Jessica Parker

Pleasure Educator & Sensual Curator

What exactly is a tantric or sensual massage?

What a tantric/sensual massage looks like with me:

I purposely choose not to call my massages ‘tantric’ as an intentional way to demystify and normalise sensual touch so as not to deem it only for the ‘spiritual’ or people who have had an introduction to tantric/energetic work. See my blog about ‘confusion of what a tantric massage means’. In my 20 years of bodywork experience I feel using the more general term ‘sensual’ helps make this type of bodywork more accessible for people who otherwise wouldn’t consider having an intimate massage such as this. Although I use many tantric tools throughout my sessions I like the generalised and openness that the word ‘sensual’ offers to be more accessible.

Upon arrival we’d sit down and have a friendly chat - asking you questions such as:

  • have you had this type of massage before?

  • do you have any specific questions you’d like to go over before the massage starts?

  • is there anything you’d like the me to know or anything that you think I should know - eg recent operations or injuries, issues such as premature ejaculation or erection difficulties, tight pelvic muscles, support with understanding how to masturbate or orgasm differently, stress related issues affecting sex and libido etc

  • Are there any boundaries that you have? Is there any type of touch or location that you definitely don’t want or do want to include? Do you want verbal checking in half way through? Do you want any internal touch? Nothing is taken as a given and informed consent is paramount to holding a safe space.

This chat helps put you at ease so you can feel comfortable and I can know if there’s a specific intention you’d like to explore that I can support you with during the massage. For example if people are trying to explore more ejaculation choice or orgasm range (delayed or more intense, full bodied rather than quick and localised sensations) its helpful for them to talk about this so I can better guide you with breath-work during the massage. Some people choose to have follow up tuition sessions or work with me in a combo of coaching and massage sessions to really help to overcome and explore different issues and intentions.


Its perfectly normal to feel a bit nervous or anxious - we fully appreciate it can be nerve-racking to go to a new location with a new person and feel vulnerable. This is why its important for us for you to feel safe, seen and heard so we can tailor the session to suit you as much as possible within the container that we create.

Massage table:

After a quick chat you’ll be invited to undress and lay face down on the massage table.

Tantric massage - the beginning phase:

I will talk you through some gentle calming breathing techniques to help quieten your mind and allow you to tune into your body. You’ll be massaged with warm oil all over your body using a variety of massage techniques and full body strokes to rhythmically encourage you to surrender and go into a space of receiving pleasure passively rather than trying to direct or control.

This almost meditative state along with deep breathing, the sensual environment and sensations of the massage supports you into tuning into your own body at a deeper level. Allowing yourself to relax into sensual arousal naturally rather than forcing or rushing anything. Gradually the massage becomes more arousing - I use my hands and parts of my body to glide over yours (what’s known as ‘body to body’) whilst encouraging you to relax, and breathe fully to expand the sensations and erotic energy throughout your body.

Sensual/tantric massage - the peak phase:

This same process continues as you turn over and slowly the massage starts to focus on erogenous zones and genitals.

Sensual/tantric massage for men: I focus on bringing you up to the point before orgasm (say 80% arousal) through massage of the penis (lingam massage) several times. This is so you can recognise that point and relax, expand and flow with the sensations and sexual energy rather than ‘rush to the finish line’ or speed up or tighten up to control or delay. Learning to recognise this point and open up to it is one of the most powerful body lessons during the tantric massage and can be a gateway to learning more about a mediative and tantric approach to your own body and its sexuality and to how you approach sex with yourself and partners.

Sensual,tantric massage for women: I will focus on breast massage and vulva/vaginal touch (yoni massage) with intuitive listening to the body and adapting to suit each individual going from their initial discussion and tuning into how each woman responds. Although its not as easy to ‘see’ where a woman is at in her arousal phase without the visual of an erection I’m well practiced at making a woman feel safe enough to surrender and let go without the pressure of ‘trying’ to orgasm.  The focus is on exploring different ways of pleasure and sexual energy throughout her body that may come in waves of orgasmic release, ejaculation, or more of a holistic full body sensual state.

In all cases there is no pressure to have any particular type of genital touch, there’s no pressure or expectation to have any internal touch, orgasm or ejaculation. Some clients want the experience of receiving full bodied sensual touch and being in that moment without their ‘usual’ expectations to perform, rush their own arousal or be in their heads thinking about these things. The sessions are totally customised to suit you and your own needs at the time of the session. You also may have booked wanting one type of experience and upon arrival you’re in another state of mind - this is why it’s important to have the initial chat and check in before we begin each session.

Sensual/tantric massage - the grounding phase:

The attention then becomes on grounding the body back down after it’s reached a ‘peak’ orgasmic phase or not - we ensure there is no pressure or expectation to get to any ‘goal’ and to enjoy the full bodied journey of the experience. I will guide you to slow down your breath and integrate by being aware of more subtle sensations in your body and slowly finish with a head and foot massage and complete with some stillness to close the session.

You will be gently wiped down with hot towels to get rid of the excess oil and also welcomed to have a moment of reflection if you feel like it. Most times I recommend you stay with the sensations in your body and take a quiet walk or enjoy some stillness in the park nearby the studio to help integrate the experience. This is a much better way to savour and allow your body to ‘download’ the experience rather than rushing off or checking your phones straight away!

What is Sexological Bodywork?

"Sexological Bodyworkers are somatic sex educators, supporting individuals, couples and groups to learn to direct their own erotic development, learn about their bodies, sex and sexuality, or work through sexual issues or concerns."

Essentially its learning about your own body or working with any particular issues you may want to explore around how you connect with yourself and others in a sensual/sexual way. Using a selection of body awareness practices involving breath, sound, movement and touch I support and help educate people in whatever area they'd like to learn . This can be talk-only coaching/education as well as one directional (practitioner to client) hands on work. Through deepening your understanding of your own body this can lead to more confidence in not only sexual situations but how you relate to yourself and others in a wider day to day context. Straight forward and relevant information seems to be what most people missed out on in their earlier years, the practical advice that seems so desperately sought after. It can seem that stress, sensory overload and a general lack of clear, empowering sexual information is not obviously accessible to people unless they actively seek it out.

Being in your body - how can sensual massage help with this?

Touch and massage can be used in so many contexts and situations to simply connect with yourself first and foremost. Engaging with your own breath, sound and movement alongside touch can help deepen a capacity to notice and explore different sensations.

Generally when our genitals have been touched its usually in a sexually stimulating (masturbation, sex with a partner) or medically examining context (doctor check ups) – to learn to have an intention of relaxing, being curious and creative about different sensations can set us gently on a path to explore new pleasures and expand our sensual and sexual potential. Engaging and learning different types of touch, breath, movement and massage techniques in a tangible, practical, relevant way can anchor us in the present. This can give us the tools to articulate and communicate what we like and what may not be as pleasurable in a moment or what we might want to change in a moment. Self knowledge practiced this way can help create and build on our own pleasure map in which to learn more about our bodies and be able to show and communicate with people we may choose to share our bodies with.

Becoming grounded in an intention of being curious and creative with touch and different massage strokes can dissolve usual worries of getting somewhere, being goal orientated, forcing or rushing pleasure, performing, timing, insecurities..

Using massage as a communication tool to show a partner different ways you might like to be touched can not only be fun but can take away the emotional baggage of; “Why didn't you show me this before?”. Massage can create a fresh new injection of playfulness, exploration and looking at your own and each others bodies in a new way that can inspire a sense of new-ness in a relaxed way where neither of you has the pressure to get it right.

The more we learn about our own bodies we can come from a greater understanding and broader sensory spectrum in which to share that with those we choose. When we exclusively depend on external stimulus eg partners, visual aids like porn, drugs, stimulants for our pleasure we can limit our own pleasure potential and sexual discovery.

What exactly is a Tantric massage?

I think I want to book a Tantric Massage but I’m a bit confused about what it actually is!

If you're considering booking a tantric massage, you might be feeling a bit confused about what it actually entails. This is completely understandable, as the term "tantric massage" can mean different things to different people. Particularly here in London  UK when you google Tantric Massage - anything and everything comes up so no wonder people don’t know where to start!   Many places have multiple websites with slightly different vibes or themes and menus as to what exactly is involved during a session. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what tantric massage is, why it can be confusing to understand, and how to navigate the process of booking one.

First of all, let's define what tantric massage actually is. At its core, tantric massage is a form of sensual massage that aims to awaken the senses and promote a deep sense of relaxation and pleasure. It is often associated with the principles of Tantra, which is an ancient spiritual practice that originated in India. Tantra is all about embracing the physical and spiritual aspects of life and experiencing them in a mindful and present way.

So, why is it confusing to understand what tantric massage is? There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, the term "tantric massage" is often used as a catch-all phrase to describe a wide range of sensual massage techniques. This can include anything from a basic Swedish massage with a sensual twist, ‘happy ending’ massages, ‘rub & tug’, to a more involved form of bodywork that incorporates breathing exercises, meditation, and other Tantric practices.

Another reason why it can be confusing is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to tantric massage. Different practitioners may have their own unique style or approach, depending on their training and personal philosophy. Some may focus more on the physical aspects of the massage, while others may incorporate more spiritual or energetic elements. Basically, as its not really a regulated type of therapy any one and everyone can have their own interpretation as to what a tantric massage entails.

So, how can you navigate the process of booking a tantric massage when there is so much variation and complexity involved? Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Do your research. Before booking a tantric massage, take some time to research different practitioners or massage studios in your area. Look at their websites and read reviews from other clients to get a sense of their approach and what you can expect.

  2. Ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask questions when you're booking a tantric massage. A good practitioner will be happy to answer any questions you have and help you feel more comfortable and informed about the process.

  3. Set clear boundaries. It's important to communicate your boundaries and preferences before and during the massage. Let your practitioner know if there are any areas of your body you don't want to be touched or if you have any other concerns.

  4. Trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right during the massage, don't hesitate to speak up or end the session. A good practitioner will respect your boundaries and work with you to create a safe and comfortable environment.

In conclusion, while it can be confusing to understand exactly what tantric massage is, with a bit of research and communication, you can find a practitioner who can provide you with a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Remember to trust your instincts and communicate clearly to ensure a positive and fulfilling experience.

Please contact me if you’d like to discuss anything about my services or would like to book an intro call

How do I prepare for a sensual/tantric massage?

Upon booking we recommend you fully read all the information on the blogs and you’re also welcome to arrange a quick chat with Jessica before booking - we understand it can be nerve racking to book something like this especially if you’ve never experienced it before. It’s normal to feel a tad nervous about something new but we also want to make sure you’re feeling safe and comfortable throughout so there is a deep understanding of your own boundaries and ours as we carry out the sessions.

Jessica will help explain how the sessions work and answer any questions you may have to help put your mind at ease.

We kindly ask that you shower before your session, you’re welcome to use the towels and shower at the studio but please note this it included within your session time. We remove and residual oil with hot towels as part of the grounding at the end of the session. We encourage you to wear comfy cosy clothes that you can relax in afterwards.

Our studio is based in Londonfields - upon booking and paying a confirmation deposit via Paypal or bank transfer you will be given the exact address details. We ask you to check your travel first and plan accordingly to make sure you arrive on time so you’re not rushed and can make the most of your session. If you arrive early there are plenty of cafes nearby you can relax in.

We recommend you don’t try and ‘squeeze’ a massage in before something major highly stimulating. Ideally you can arrive as relaxed as possible without the need to instantly check your phone or rush off afterwards - to stay present with the sensations and experience and allow yourself to slow down.

Best positions for anal sex

Full blog link here:

The best positions for anal sex really depend on many factors. Depending on what type of anal sex you’d like to have, and your own personal needs, there are a variety of positions for pleasurable anal sex. I will not say this is an exhaustive list; us humans come in so many shapes and sizes that there is never going to be one position that fits all. However, the beauty in that wide range of options means that there’s a lot of fun to be had trying them out!

Perineal Massage - How To Do Perineal Stretching And Why

Full blog post here:

Perineal massage is an important way to prepare your perineum before birth. This not only aids you in labor but can also provide some pleasure and sensual connection to your own body as it changes through gestation.

What isn’t divulged by the midwife or doctor is how this process doesn’t have to be purely a medical one – it can be a potentially sensual experience too. We spoke to Sexological Bodyworker, Jessica Parker, to find out more about the ability to connect with your sensual self during perineum massage before birth.

She told us that it’s so important to connect with that area. It’s a spot that you don’t normally focus on but will undergo a lot of strain during pregnancy and birth. You need to learn how to relax, contract, and manipulate your body with the baby. “You’ll have the actual biofeedback of that area”, rather than pushing against the unknown and leaving it as a painful mystery the doctors will solve.

This physical connection to yourself will also help you to reconnect with yourself postpartum. Sex after giving birth can be a whole new experience, especially coming accustomed to your new body. This area doesn’t have to be reduced to a baby machine, because you already know of the pleasurable potentials. The perineum can also be an erogenous zone if you stimulate it as one.

Orgasms 101

We receive a lot of questions around orgasms. In fact our most popular events have always focused around Orgasms. A common question we receive is how do I achieve an or more orgasms. So we spoke to one of our coaches, Sexological Bodyworker Jessica Parker to help and hopefully offer you some great tips. 

What is an Orgasm?

Orgasms are incredibly personal experiences and vary from person to person however there are some general descriptions of what an orgasm could feel like

- slow build up of sexual tension and excitement followed by full body pleasurable release

- a peak of sexual pleasure

- a release of built up sexual pressure

- intense focused pinpoint of pleasure

- full on out of body experience

- a lovely sigh or little blip of pleasurable release - like a sneeze!

- tremors, tingling - state of very high energy/sensation from your pelvis up your spine and around your entire body

- its sometimes called 'coming' or 'climaxing'

Where can you feel an Orgasm?

Generally most people feel an orgasm in their genitals - vagina, g-spot, clitoris, penis, anus.

For many people the pelvic area might be the start of an orgasm and spread throughout their entire body.

What are the different types of Orgasms?

Lots of different types! Full body orgasms, energy orgasms, anal orgasms, clitoral orgasms, vaginal orgasms, G-spot orgasms, nipple/breast orgasms, kissing/oral orgasms, cervical orgasms, zone orgasms (specific erogenous sweet spots that aren't obvious erotic points), fantasy/mental orgasms, multiple orgasms, head-gasms, food-gasms.....

How to achieve an Orgasm? [Please offer your best tips to achieve an orgasm]

If you want to learn how to have one or have different types of orgasms I recommend taking the time and practicing what works well for you first (self pleasure and masturbating!) from there you come from a deeper understanding to communicate what you like with a partner - if you don't know its hard for you to expect them to know!

- variation in sensation - ideally arousing your whole body by engaging your own and/or your partners sounds, breath, touch and movement, this helps get blood flow, engorgement, natural lubrication and a full bodied awareness needed to generate deeper and full body orgasms.

- practice masturbating and notice what works for you and follow the pleasure rather than force the pleasure - play and have fun! How would you like your ideal lover to pleasure you? What would the room look, sound and feel like? What would you tell them you'd like, how would you show them? Think about this then do that for yourself!

- use verbal and non verbal communication to give feedback or direction to partners - this helps you both learn and explore!

Want to have a one to one with Jessica? Contact her here for an intro call!

A Guide To Female Ejaculation: Everything You Need To Know About Squirting

Together, Jessica and D provide four handed massages that can result in female ejaculation:

“Our basic approach is: talk about what will and what might happen, go through gentle breathing techniques so you recognise what to do to help your body squirt naturally, this talk beforehand helps prepare you so your mind can quieten and trust and let go, full body sensual massage gradually focussing on vulva massage to prepare your pelvic floor.”

Read More

How to masturbate; a vulva owners guide

While There’s No Magic Formula For How To Masturbate, No One-Size-Fits-All, KK Is Here To Help You Discover New Pleasures As You Self-Pleasure full blog link here:

Everybody is different, and every body is different. We’ve put together this guide for how to masturbate for vulva-owners with sexological bodyworker Jessica Parker to help you along your journey to masturbation bliss.

How To Reintroduce Pleasure Into Your Postpartum Sex Life

Full blog post here:

Self pleasure may be the last thing on your mind when you’ve just brought another human being into the world.

However, your postpartum sex life with a partner and your own personal pleasure is so important for your overall well-being, as well for the well-being of your child.

But how and when do you begin to reintroduce your pleasure into your postpartum sex life?

With hormonal, emotional and physical changes to the body, particularly to the sexual parts, this process of sexual rediscovery can be a slow and somewhat painful one. But it doesn’t have to be.

We spoke to Psychosexual Therapist, Kate Moyle, and Pleasure Expert and Sexological Bodyworker, Jessica Parker, for their advice on your postpartum pleasure.

Sensual Stimulation & Sensory Deprivation: Sight & Sound Foreplay Ideas

What if your pleasure could be more playful? What if your sex could be more multi-sensational?

Full blog post here:

Sensual Stimulation for Enhancing Sound


Having a sexy playlist of music can really set the ambiance when you are getting down to it – either alone or with a partner. What do you listen to to get you in the mood? 

Jessica Parker, the host of Pleasure Island Parties, discloses her secrets for finding the music to create the perfect ambiance for her erotic massages and at her play parties:

“I’ve been shazaming everything I come across for the last 5 years or so…basically my rules are: can I do sensual massage to this? Can I have sex to this?

I take every playlists very seriously – it can make or break a vibe for me so each playlist is fresh and new, which is a lot of work, but keeps me inspired and fresh when I run the events.”

10 Tips On How To Have The “Perfect” Threesome

So you want to have a threesome? Well, here’s the cold hard truth: a “perfect” threesome does not come easy. Yet, with the help of our 10 tips on how to have a threesome, you will increase your chances of having a pretty thrilling three-way.

Full blog post here:

Hire a professional third

Richards highly recommends that couples hire a professional when introducing a third person into their sex life. Keeping it within a business transaction ensures that the right motivations are there. An escort, or even erotic masseuse (such as Ebony & Ivory), will understand the complicated dynamics of a threesome and be especially sensitive to the emotions. There is alsoan agreement that when the professional leaves, the threesome is over.

A non-professional, on the other hand, may be unaware of how to treat the couple individually when brought into a monogamous couple dynamic. Such unawareness could trigger negative emotions. 

#4. Talk about everything, beforehand

Get consent

Getting the permission of every person involved is a high priority. Nobody should feel coerced into doing something sexually.

Pleasure expert and host of Pleasure Island Parties, Jessica Parker, says:

“Threesomes can be hard work if intentions aren’t clear. Consent and being clear on what your boundaries are from the beginning is super sexy and really helpful when things get hot.”

Within the kink community, consent is defined as an enthusiastic yes and not the absence of a no!

A Guide To Female Ejaculation: Everything You Need To Know About Squirting

Female ejaculation is one controversial topic that has you lot slipping and sliding all over the place!

Pleasure expert, Jessica Parker tells us that her partner, D, and co-founder of Ebony & Ivory Sensual Massage

…”was brought up in a part of East Africa where female ejaculation was part of his lessons in the village in his early teens. This practice is taught to maintain sexual balance of pleasure between men and women to sustain a happy marriage and contribute towards the cohesion of the wider community.”

Together, Jessica and D provide four handed massages that can result in female ejaculation:

“Our basic approach is: talk about what will and what might happen, go through gentle breathing techniques so you recognise what to do to help your body squirt naturally, this talk beforehand helps prepare you so your mind can quieten and trust and let go, full body sensual massage gradually focussing on vulva massage to prepare your pelvic floor.”